Last week, you turned eight years old. As I do every February, I marveled at how fast time flies when raising a precious child and how much you have changed and grown over the last year. In many ways, you are still my sweet boy who looks for mischief and loves music, reading, and a good romp in the park. You are still caring, helpful, sweet, brilliant, and a good time. You are developmentally and emotionally younger than your age and still have some struggles that you overcome in your own time, but you work hard to persevere. The last year of your life has most certainly reflected that very determined spirit you have.
We celebrated with an official birthday party at a location other than our home. You have never wanted more than a small, comfortable family gathering with cake and presents, but this year you wanted to go all out. We had a birthday bash at the Don Harrington Discovery Center with family, friends, and school friends. The featured exhibit was Lego Castle Adventure, and you and your friends had a blast playing and exploring. I was a little nervous, I must admit, that the party and crowd would be too much for you. I also worried, as all parents of kids with special needs do, that your classmates wouldn't come. I don't know that you would have noticed, actually, but you did seem glad to have them there and you handled the noise and crowd like a champ. It was a wonderful day.
You are reading, counting, adding ,subtracting, and writing better and better all the time. Writing has always been an extremely difficult task for you because of your fine-motor delay and struggles, and it has frustrated you to the point of tears and task-avoidance. This year, however, you have not only learned to write, but you have won a second-place award and then recently a first-place award in a grade-level competition at your school! You were awarded a blue ribbon, T-shirt, and a celebratory lunch at the Amarillo Club with your principal and other winners!
"I think music is beautiful. Music is made by lots of people that play at the same time. They play different instruments at the same time. That is what I think is beautiful."
Your words moved your mom to tears, and I am bursting with pride not only over your accomplishment but the shear amount of effort it has taken you to come so far. I always tell you that you can do anything. I hope your success this year is teaching you that.
Your huge, amazing eighth year of life also included three trips to Florida to visit Tom's home state. You handled that disruption in your routine and environment and two day road trip (each way times six!) as well as could possibly be expected. You embraced and loved the new experiences, including swimming at natural springs, the beach, hanging out at your new grandparents' home in the woods, riding four wheelers, collecting shells, writing your name in the sand at the beach, feeling waves crash against you, and you even ate gator tail! On the way back from our first trip, we spent a night in the French Quarter of New Orleans, where you maneuvered through the crowd on Bourbon Street and listened in awe to a jazz band play, and then we spent another night on the San Antonio River Walk and saw the Alamo. You embraced the new experiences and had a blast!

This last year has been full of adventure, fun, and triumphs. I feel like I am leaving so much out-- your tonsillectomy, first time at the Tri-State Fair, trick-or-treating at the zoo as Link the elf, etc, etc, etc. Etc. I know each year will bring new changes and challenges, more successes, and an abundance of joy for you. I am so proud of you, Ben. You amaze me and bring me happiness every single day. I am honored to be your mother. I love you, Ben Bear, more than all the stars in the sky, more than all the water in the ocean, more than all the wind in Texas, more than all the trees in Florida, and more than everything.
Love always from your biggest fan,